Wednesday, 1 September 2010

23rd August 2010

Mr Tesco came up trumps again and provided vouchers for a family day trip to Drayton Manor park. The last two times we have gone my older children have thoroughly chickened out of the big rides but not so this time. The addition of one of Ethan's school friends seemed to galvanise them and not a 'train wreck resembling' rollercoaster, nor a 'thing that probably gets done to the worst sinners in hell' spinning swinging thing phased them! Danni and I had a somewhat more sedate time touring the small and mid range rides! (and watching the bags!)

Anyway - the day was a bit damp so regular coffee was needed. I won't detail each one as essentially it was all the same stuff.

Drayton Manor
Sneaky coffee-ers: Anna and Danni and associated gangs (though they were invariably off being spun and swung, soaked and dropped)
Bought: Cappuccino and coffee
Cafe: The nicest location was outside the Hollywood Diner where we had metal patio tables and proper cups. Otherwise it was picnic tables and paper cups.
Cost: About £1.50 per cup I think
And: It was pretty ok and very welcome

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