Tuesday 6 July 2010

5th July 2010

Hollywood Diner, Drayton Manor Park

This was a super special sneaky coffee because it was a super special day. Sue became my friend in 1997 when she and I were both pregnant with out first children. We went to antenatal classes together then saw each other more or less weekly (at least!) for the next four years until she moved (inconveniently for me!) to New Zealand. Our eldest children are now twelve! Out second eldest children are both ten and on this visit back to the UK Sue brought her ten year old back too. I kept my ten year old out of school for a day (with permission!) and we spent the day together at Drayton Manor Park, a theme park close to Birmingham. In between various spinning, swaying and sailing type rides we had coffee at 'The Hollywood Diner'

Sneaky Coffee-ers: Naomi, Sue and Amy
Bought: The girls had some vibrantly coloured slushy drink, Sue and I had coffee, I also had a lemon meringue donut
Cost: No idea - Sue paid
Cafe: Really quite nice. Very well themed as a 'typical' (i.e. like you've seen in films) American diner complete with juke box, stools and posters of iconic American film stars.
Sat: By the juke box which I would have used but which seemed not to be working
And: Very nice coffee, slightly dry cake, very precious company. I love when you see friends you haven't seen for years and it's like you have never been apart - what good friendship looks like!

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