Tuesday, 18 May 2010

18th May 2010 - part four of four

And so the kids were out of school. The sun was shining.

We all met at the local play park which has been refurbished in the last few years and provides a great range of play apparatus and - crucially - access to the coffee machine in Handsworth Leisure Centre. I took squash and brioche rolls along for the children (seven in all) and a few small coins to provide for our needs!

Handsworth Play Park, 4pm
Sneaky coffee-ers: Anna and Danni
Served by: Anna!
Bought: A mocha for Danni, Minestrone soup for me
Cost: £1 - but only because I paid for Danni's too. 50p each.
We sat: On the bench to the far right!
Busy: The park was VERY busy because it's one of the first sunny afternoons we've had for weeks.

And: Danni and I have children (four each) who LOVE to spend as much time together as possible. They have such a special friendship which is great because so do we!

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