Wednesday, 26 May 2010


Danni is my most regular sneaky coffee companion. There are many reasons for this. Firstly Danni is one of my longest standing and my closest friend. We have been friends for twelve years and live only minutes from each other. We have spent years going to the same playgroups, the same church, the same supermarket, the same parks... We each have four children and each of them would count one of the other's kids as their best, or among their best, friends. Aside from all this she is an amazing person - kind, gentle, fun, shockingly talented.

When it comes to coffee Danni likes it 'proper'. She is not one to drink instant coffee - even at home. She usually opts for tea when at home, or in other people's homes. Part of the reason for this is she is married to a man (also a great friend) who is a coffee enthusiast... bordering on a coffee snob! (What am I saying - he IS a coffee snob!) Thus her taste is somewhat more refined than that of those who indulge in the odd mug of Nescafe!

However - when going out for coffee Danni opts for the 'hot milkshake' types of coffee. She likes them milky, sweet and flavoured! In Starbucks she opts for Hazelnut latte every time - except for at Christmas when the Toffee Nut latte comes into stores and we trawl from outlet to outlet searching for one which has syrup AND sprinkles! In Costa she has had to abandon hazelnut latte as their syrup has changed to 'roasted hazelnut' which she doesn't like. She now opts for caramel latte.

Danni will experiment though and finds that she prefers cappuccino in some places and latter in others. In places which don't have flavoured syrups on offer she adds brown sugar in a very artistic manner - sprinkling it in circular patterns on the froth of the coffee!

Danni will, I hope, continue to feature heavily on this blog. As a sneaky coffee companion she is un-surpassed!

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