Tuesday, 25 May 2010

25th May 2010 - part two of three

So a sunny child-free afternoon was in prospect. We all had some bits and pieces to do but concluded that all doing said bits and pieces in the same place (thus enabling further coffee, chat and company) was good sense and so we headed to Walsall.

I had to find sandals for my twelve year old boy. In the fourteenth shop I looked in I found some! It seems that little children (shoe size up to 13) need sandals, as to adults, but middle sized kids are woefully ill-provided for (or have such a heavy duty cycle that sandals need much more regular replacement thus selling out quicker - which sort of fits in as the reason Ethan needed sandals is because the previous pair were chewed by a dog having been left outside overnight). I considered buying pink ones as they were freely available and I thought he may learn a lesson, then I found some Man Utd themed ones which would have, from his perspective, been far worse!

Viv was looking for dictionaries for her 15 year old son and Amanda was after shorts for her ten year old son.... anyone spotting a theme?!

Costa Coffee, The Art Gallery, Walsall
Sneaky coffee-ers: Anna, Amanda, Viv, Ellen and little James
Served by: a young man and Barbara. Helpful and very happy to give me a glass of iced water.
Bought: A small black coffee
Cost: £1.80
Sat: Outside - warmish and sunnyish

And: I was just happy the hunt for sandals was over! If champagne had been on offer I would have bought it! (Not really!)

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