Tuesday, 18 May 2010

18th May 2010 - part one of four

Ok - today has featured way too much coffee! And a lot of Danni (though there can never be too much Danni so that is not a complaint!), a fair amount of driving, a little bit too much spending... but as I have committed to faithfully record my sneaky coffee-ing them I must be truthful.

Tesco Cafe, 9.30am
I was late to Tesco this morning as I had to stop at a garage en route to have the rear nearside tyre changed on my husband's car... confused? I was when I phoned him up and found I had gone to the 'wrong' place! His reaction was more appropriate to the preceeding phrase 'All four children have been swept away by a freak tsunami' than 'I'm at Abbey - which brand of tyre do you want?'. A loud and heartfelt 'NOooooo' must have been audible to the man who had jacked up the car, removed the old (bald) tyre and done all manner of stuff which I don't understand. Hubby soon calmed down (I had, apparently, phoned at a bad time) and an appropriate brand was selected and paid for. (Incidentally the garage gave me a £10 discount for being a good customer - go Abbey Tyres on Witton Road.) Anyway - this episode made me 30 minutes late for Tesco but I found Danni still in fruit and veg (i.e. not very far around) - dithering over bananas or something. She confessed to being somewhat unfocused and we opted to go for a quick 'pre-shopping' drink in order to help the focusing process take shape.

Sneaky coffee-ers: Anna and Danni
Served by: Robert
Bought: A 'mild black coffee'
Cost: 95p
Cafe: We sat in the red bucket seats next to the coffee height tables. We were later joined by a mutual friend - Kerry.

And: The coffee tasted better today. I must replenish the supply of 'the milk which isn't milk' jiggers though as black coffee does tire one after a while. We left the cafe focused.... which was just as well as we were due to meet Viv at 10.30am and needed to do all our shopping and drive to The Arthur Roberston in 30 minutes!

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