Sunday, 30 May 2010

29th May 2010

Viv, a dear friend, is a somewhat nervous driver. She has no need to be. She is perfectly competant. However, this nervousness means that on occasion she asks for help getting to bits of Birmingham she can't drive to. Today that place was Tyseley. Danni, newly free from days of busy-ness, was happy to join us on our little road trip. The business at hand took mere minutes leaving plenty of time for the more important things in life... coffee!

Pausa Coffee, Dunelm Mill, New Bond Street, Birmingham
Sneaky Coffee-ers: Anna, Danni, Viv and Susie
Served by: Phillip
Bought: We all had a drink and cake combo. Thus the order was three varying types of coffee, a carton of orange juice then one slice of farmhouse fruit cake, one (humongous!) slice of marmalade cake, a toasted fruit bun and a pink gingerbread bunny rabbit!
Cost: Danni paid but the coffee cake combo is advertised at £2.75
Sat: Around a table - soft chairs. Nice.
Busy: No
Food: Lovely fruit cake - light and a lovely sugar crust on the top
Complaints: Again coffee was spilt into the saucers. It is a small thing but has happened three times out of three visits to this place.

And: Lovely as ever! Susie was on form with her 'mock' adult conversation which isn't quite perfected! (Mainly as she is only four!)

Short mooch around Dunelm afterwards. Danni bought a duck egg blue towel for her newly decorated kitchen. I resisted navy blue bath mats for my newly decorated bathroom despite the fact they were in the sale!

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