Wednesday, 19 May 2010

19th May 2010

My trip out this afternoon originally was to 'do banking' but I managed to 'do banking' online (more of a surprise than you might expect given our temperamental computer) so I had no excuse other than the sun was shining and Viv needed companionship!

Costa, Walsall Art Gallery
Sneaky coffee-ers: Anna, Viv and Susie
Served by: Barbara
Bought: A small americano and a babycino for Susie
Cost: £2.30
Cafe: This is a nice Costa, it is on corner of the ground floor of the art gallery, has glass walls on two sides and a nice selection of sofa type seats as well as cafe tables. We sat in the small outside bit which had cafe tables and was obviously mainly used by smokers as all the ashtrays were overflowing. It wasn't quite sunny enough for this to be lovely but it was warm and dry enough for us to opt for it as we never know when the next opportunity to drink al fresco may arise.
Position: The windows look out on to a canal wharf and a 'piazza' (ha ha) leading into the main shopping street. Sadly it is in Walsall which is not quite the prettiest place in the world so this all sounds better than it actually is! However - Walsall does have all the amenities and shops one might need and parking is cheaper than Birmingham by about 60%.
Busy: It was quite busy but we didn't have to queue at the counter
Food: Well - a babycino comes with marshmallows usually and today it only came with one. There seems to be inconsistencies between Costa outlets with this regard. Sometimes you get as many as three!
Complaints: The marshmallows were only given sparingly and Costa seem to have lost all my loyalty card points which upsets and annoys me a little. My next free drink has been delayed a little.

And: I am not sure if I prefer Costa coffee or Starbucks. I plan to buy two take out cups and try them side by side - all in the name of research you understand! The coffee was nice enough today. The conversation continually interrupted by a very talkative Susie!


  1. I know it might be slightly off topic but what did you think of the art gallery?

  2. I have to confess to having never ventured beyond the ground floor of the art gallery which means I have only ever been in the gift shop, the coffee shop, the toilets and the children's discovery room (which is excellent incidentally).
