Saturday, 8 May 2010

8th May 2010

The Victorian Tea Rooms, Kings Heath Park, B14 7TQ

It was a rainy Saturday afternoon. My daughter was at a swimming party some distance from home. Too far away to bother with two return journeys so coffee was the obvious solution. The companionship of a friend (the mother of my daughter's friend) made the decision even more inevitable. We politely declined the opportunity to 'enjoy' our 'coffee' at the leisure centre and struck out in search of something nicer.

Kings Norton was very disappointing. Both coffee shops on the square closed just after lunch. However - their loss was the gain of the very nice establishment we stumbled upon in a desperate (and possibly erratic) coffee shop search driving tour.

Sneaky coffee-ers: Anna and Viv
Bought: A pot of coffee and a large cappucino
Cost: Well Viv paid (thanks!) but the total bill was £3.75
Served by: The staff were all very polite, friendly and helpful.
Cafe: In a Victorian building in the park. The cafe has many lilac covered tables complete with small vases of (silk) flowers. An adjoining conservatory is presumably used in busy (sunny?) periods.
Position: Lovely views of the park which still looked attractive in the rain!
Busy: Busy enough - no problem getting a table but no echoing conversation in an empty room either.
Food: We got FREE biscuits with our coffee! A digestive an a strawberry custard cream each!!! Viv (with admirable self discipline) didn't eat hers but I dunked and ate mine!
Complaints: The cappucino (of which I had persuaded Viv to have a large) was served in a small vase type receptacle. No handle! Very odd but I don't suppose it impacted on the flavour.

And? What a find! The coffee (served in a miniature cafetiere) was perfectly acceptable. Free biscuits felt like a lovely bonus. Viv and I had a nice chat. Then we had a nice (albeit short due to the weather) stroll in the park. We both commented that coming on a nicer day for a longer stroll (and possibly cake with the coffee to replenish the burnt calories) would be a good future plan.


  1. Every weekday evening after I have finished whatever I ahve needed to do, I home in on the Queens Road (never seen an apostrophe 's' used in this connection, so I allow the habit to stand) and have a coffee. There are now 5 places to go and the cheapest is the best for me. A Turkish cafe called 'Zesty's' which does the £1 coffee. They also do the required Turkish coffee which is so strong you can stand the spoon up in it. They find it amusing that I don't drink water with it. I'm English, for goodness sake!
    Nice blog - will keep looking at the Americanisation of an English lady who should really be taking tea!

  2. Oh this post made me really miss home! There are loads of coffee shops here, but none as delightful as this one sounds, and none that serve a really good cuppa in a pot, with a little jug of milk. It just isn't done this side of the pond - not in Minnesota, anyway.
